Rooted in self-guided, personalised exploration, Leo’s Workshop from TNS Beaconhouse is the next BIG IDEA in learning. Our unique spaces inspire authentically child-led, next-generation Project Based Learning under the guidance of skilled facilitators and the mentorship of Leo’s Workshop Fellows, a stellar cast of real-world specialists, influencers & entrepreneurs.
Curiosity and imagination are nurtured in children to unleash their unlimited potential in a multi-grade, experiential environment where they learn to communicate respectfully in a safe, inclusive environment. By helping them prepare for what is ahead, we enable children to discover their passion and purpose in open, collaborative spaces. Our studios are dedicated spaces for the inquirers from the early years, the builders from the upper primary, and the thinkers from the lower primary. Through multidisciplinary learning, supported with advanced, technological resources, children are enabled to think independently, and rethink challenges in a diverse world.
Leo’s Workshop will enable and empower a community of self-directed learners who are compassionate, innovative and independent thinkers that will help shape their generation’s role in the future of society.
Leo’s Workshop will achieve this by providing an inclusive and caring environment where young people have individual agency and resources to explore their natural curiosity and extend their inquiry about the world they live in. Our multi-grade, experiential learning environment will set the pace for individualized teaching and learning that fosters lifelong learners who are well-equipped to thrive in an unknown future.
Innovation: In a diverse world, the ability to rethink challenges from multiple perspectives
Respect: For all opinions, individuals and the planet
Curiosity: An innate desire to acquire knowledge, to explore our cultural identity and inquire about the world around us
Leo’s Workshop, a one of its kind microschool in Pakistan, integrates the multi-disciplinary learning approach through the project-based learning methodology.
At Leo’s Workshop, children learn through analysis and exploration of real-life concepts to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Our philosophy of learning is based upon ‘truths’ that enable the child to learn effectively. These guiding principles are as follows:
Children, from a young age, experience how to integrate learnings in their projects from multiple disciplines to understand and resolve complex real-world issues. Students engage with renowned professionals in the mentorship of projects.
We value the importance of inculcating leadership qualities. At Leo’s Workshop, we facilitate your child’s ability to inspire others by effectively communicating ideas and develop decision-making skills.
Students establish their own learning goals with our learning facilitators.
A secure, positive environment for children facilitates learning. We keep faith in the child’s ability to triumph and ultimately, exceed expectations!
Our child-led learning process (or philosophy/pedagogy) facilitates your child’s journey of discovery, a key first step for life-long learning.
Children, from a young age, experience how to integrate learnings in their projects from multiple disciplines to understand and resolve complex real-world issues. Students engage with renowned professionals in the mentorship of projects.
Our child-led learning process (or philosophy/pedagogy) facilitates your child’s journey of discovery, a key first step for life-long learning.
Students establish their own learning goals with our learning facilitators.
A secure, positive environment for children facilitates learning. We keep faith in the child’s ability to triumph ultimately.
We value the importance of inculcating leadership qualities. At Leo’s Workshop, we facilitate your child’s ability to inspire others by effectively communicating ideas and develop decision-making skills.
Creative Director, ÉLAN